
Angela Rudolph

Hi! I’m Angela Rudolph and I love connecting with others through storytelling.  I engage individuals with detailed videography, photography, and writing that is heartfelt and honest to get to the core of a story. Everyone has a unique story to tell, and I love helping people tell theirs.

This is my website where I explore topics that intrigue me:

  • New ways to reach people;
  • Trends in the fields of marketing, communication and public relations;
  • Innovations that excite communities into action;
  • The best ways to measure engagement and interest to constantly improve and connect.

Basically, I’m obsessed with authentic marketing that focuses on the way we feel about, and interact with, each other; it’s what I like to call Connective Marketing.

I teach Personal Branding at the University of Nevada, Reno. Each spring semester I get to meet a new class of talented MBA students and walk them through what a personal brand is, why it matters, and how to shape and take control of their personal brands through website creation, blogging and social media use.

I have an MBA from the University of Nevada, Reno. I also have a BA in Psychology. My education has given me a great foundation for marketing because it helps me understand business and people. I am fascinated by the ways we communicate with one another and the ways we enjoy consuming and retaining information about the world we live in. It’s also given me a background in research and analytics. The great thing about marketing is that with the tools available to marketers, you can get real-time, immediate feedback on what is working and what needs to change with your audience.

The best way to engage with individuals is to make them feel happy with truthful stories that paint a picture and make them laugh, share, or ask questions.

My favorite quote is “…people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” 

Maya Angelou

Using real-world examples and telling those stories through writing, videos, and photos helps people to feel an idea or concept. Once you can get people to feel, you’ll be memorable.

Here’s an example of a project I created while working at the SPCA of Northern Nevada.
Making simple, empowering videos that tell a story and make people feel good can be very impactful to an overall Connective Marketing strategy.

I earned my MBA at the University of Nevada, diving into topics ranging from accounting, to logistics, to marketing, and organizational leadership. I’ve also had the opportunity to explore international business through the Nevada Global Business program where I’ve studied in Singapore and in Argentina.

You can usually find me with a camera in hand, capturing moments from my adventures. This is the Singapore skyline, taken in Jan. 2019 while I studied with Nevada Global Business.

I have worked in marketing since 2012 in a variety of positions. My experience ranges from marketing nutraceuticals, to telling the story of the SPCA of Northern Nevada, to working at the University of Nevada, Reno, where I highlighted the important but somewhat mysterious work of the office of information technology, to running a team of social media content creators for a marketing agency to what I do now … I’m the editor in chief for the University of Nevada, Reno! (And, like I mentioned above, I teach Personal Branding for the College of Business at UNR. Go Pack!)

You can see a thorough breakdown of my professional experience on LinkedIn (while you’re there, let’s connect!).

Working at the SPCA of Northern Nevada, saving the lives of homeless pets.

I’ve been in Nevada since 2001 and before that I lived in Portland, OR. I’m instilled with a love for nature. Anytime I can be outside hiking, swimming, snowboarding, or playing in any way, it lights my soul on fire. I love traveling the world to meet new people, experience different cultures, taste different flavors, and drink with the locals. So far, I’ve been to 14 different countries outside the U.S. and I am always planning my next adventure. Thank you for joining me in my exploration of all things storytelling and marketing! 

If you’d like to collaborate on a project – please reach out to me! You can contact me at ang.r.rudolph@gmail.com.